While traveling the highways and byways, my eye is often drawn to barns and churches. Enjoy them with me!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Churches

Went into Christmas tree country today and took some photos of 2 old churches no longer being used and a third I've often admired. One is in Virginia and the other in Ashe County and the still working church is in Watauga County.

This ruined church was awesome. Someone had drawn a picture of a devil on the side, but I don't think you can make it out in this picture.

This church was down from the Sturgill Baptist church. At least I assume it was once a church. There is no longer a sign.

But that's right. Beside it is the woman's outhouse.

The last church is one I've often admired on 321 as you're going into Blowing Rock. It's on the road to Bolick Family Pottery. The road is marked St. Mark's road so I guess it's St. Mark's church, though I didn't see a sign on the church.

I especially like this close-up of the shadow of the cross and the red leaves against the dark church.